Zeitgeist is a controversial mind blowing documentary directed by Peter Joseph which was released on 2007. The film was released through Google Video to the public and it became the most viewed video in Google video chart.
The film start with a critical comment on religion followed by an animation sequence of human evolution leads to montage of visual of modern wars. In continuation to this we can see a hand writing 1 + 1 = 2, which then replaced by a bible and an American flag (this denotes that imperialism and religion are two sides of a coin). After a few more war clips, the film then quotes Inner World of the Occult (Jordan Maxwell), criticizing religious institutions, governments, and the banking cartels who wants to control the world through myths, wars and economic policies.
The film is basically divided into 3 parts 1) the myth of Jesus Christ 2) the myth of 9/11 3) the raise of American banks which seized world power at the beginning of the 20th century
The Greatest Story Ever Told (Part 1)
Born on 25th December, born of a virgin mother, his arrival was proclaimed by a star in the east and adorned by 3 kings, at the age of 12 became teacher, baptized at 30, travelled with 12 disciples and performed miracles, known as "lamb of God"/"The Light" etc.,, betrayed and crucified, resurrected on the 3 day.
Who is he…? Wait before u says the answer. I am describing about Horus(BC 3000) , the Ancient Egyptian Sun God..!!
ATTIS (BC 1200), the God of Greece was also born of a virgin on 25th December. He was also crucified and dead for 3 days and resurrected.
Dionysus(BC 500) the Greece god has the story- born of a virgin on 25th December. He was also crucified and resurrected upon his death.
Mithra (BC 1200) the Persian god- born of a virgin on 25th December, has 12 disciples, performed miracles, 3 days after his death resurrected, day for his worship is "Sunday".
The fact of the matter is there are numerous saviours of different periods from all over the world subscribed to this general characteristic.
BUT WHY…??????
The answer is in the SKY…!!! Because this believes is a literary and astrological hybrid one and based on astrological principles documented by many ancient civilizations, especially pertaining to the movement of the sun through the sky and stars. The film explains how and why early civilizations personified the sun as the "representative of the unseen creator or god and how stars were linked into constellations, the 12 constellations being a place of travel for "God's Sun" and representing "elements of nature that happened during that period of time." This section is also used by the film to show the Pagan origins of the symbol of the Cross.
According to the movie, religion and myths in general are used to manipulate and mobilize populations and maintain established social structures.
All the World's a Stage (Part 2)
Part II of the documentary claims 9/11 was engineered to generate mass fear, justify going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq, to remove civil liberties from the general public, and to make more money for the people in power. It points out the similarities between fire on the German parliament during Hitler's regime and 9/11 attack.
It describes how American economy needs war and how they are manipulating to create wars in the last century.
Don't Mind the Men behind the Curtain(Part 3)
The title of Part III (Don't Mind the Men behind the Curtain) is in reference to the 1939 classic film The Wizard of Oz.
According to Part III, powerful bankers have been conspiring for world domination and increased power while the rich of society have been using their wealth to increase financial panic and foster a consolidation of independent competing banks. The film details the Theory of Electronic Conspiracy and claims that the Federal Reserve System, the central bank of the united states, was created in order to steal the wealth of the nation. It explores war profiteering by banking cartels and defense and military contractors. It describes the goal of these bankers as world power over a controllable public.