Monday, February 16, 2009

Oscar 2009

In the oscar nominated films, I personally feel that none of them is outstanding. Out the films (slumdog, Benjamin button, milk, frost/Nixon, and visitor) I like Milk compared to other movies. Slumdog is not more than a Hollywood entertainer, Benjamin button lags even though it has very interesting storyline, Frost/Nixon somewhere loses its political appeal, Visitor is a mediocre one.

“Milk” is a shocking revelation to the human right struggle of homosexual minority in USA. In this movie synchronization of personal life of Milk and his political movement is done in a unique way. Political discussions happening in personal level and in group level in this movie give a feel of watching a Ken Loach movie (but not politically that intense). Sean Penn has done a marvelous job in this movie (he is giving good competition to Brad Pitt in the best actor category).

Sunday, February 8, 2009

JIFF award winning movie "Karna Motcham"

Director: S. Murali Manohar (Student of MGR film institute, Chennai)

Jaipur International Film Festival 2009

Jury(Me, Rakesh Andania and Sudipto) with Murali (director of award winning movie "Karna Motcham")