Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Announcement of National Science Film Festival

Dear Friend,

Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India in collaboration with Jahangirabad Media Institute is organizing Rashtriya Vigyan Chalchitra Mela and Competition. It will take place during the Indian Science Congress at Chennai from the 4th to the 7th of January 2011. This competition is organized to felicitate, nurture, recognize and encourage science film producers for their outstanding work. It will bring out the best science and technology video films produced in the country and set a benchmark for excellence. The festival is open to all producers, organizations and individuals, as well as production agencies. An exclusive website (www.rvcm.org) has been launched for the film festival.

Awards will be given in three competition categories: Popular Science Program (duration more than 20 min), Short Film on Science and Technology (duration less than 20 min) and Animation and Graphic film/video on Science and Technology. The best film in each category will receive the Golden Beaver Award with a cash prize of Rs.50,000/-, the second best film will receive a cash prize of Rs.30,000/- and the third prize will be Rs.20,000/-. The last date for receiving entry is December 3, 2010.

Thank you.

With warm regards,

G. Biju Mohan
Deputy Director, JMI

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